William J. (Skip) Henderson Jr. - Destiny

2014-06-13 1

Destiny: a predetermining power that seems to control our future.
But is it the end all of what our existence is meant to be?
Is there more than destiny at the end of what we call life?
Or is destiny only a fantasy of glory or fame gained on life’s journey?

We are all destined to pass over to the ethereal other side.
Only that which stays with our eternal spirit can cross over.
We cannot take anything with us except the memories of this existence.
Destiny then is only the story of the existence we leave behind.

Passing the zenith of my existence and approaching the down slope of life,
I find my life is blessed with more happiness than I could ever tell.
My experiences good and bad, both frivolous and profound
Have fallen short of what I thought my destiny would bring.

I have come to realize that it is not what destiny
Has in store for me that is important
But rather how I have spent my life;
What meaning and legacy I will leave behind.

Experience I can say is the best teacher
But the lessons are lost if not learned.
Lessons that guide as well as teach
Keep all that is needed well with in reach.

Of all I have experienced I learned that hatred begets all that is evil,
Anger is a waste of energy, meanness is its tool of choice.
Courtesy is its opposite and can repair damaged relationships.
Love is the universal elixir of life the soul needs on its eternal journey.

William J. (Skip) Henderson Jr.
