Eila Mahima Jaipaul - Let Me Write Words Of Desire Across Your Plane

2014-06-13 2

I want to write my poetry
across the canvas of your body
planning every word's placement
till you can't breathe
or conjure any thoughts
on how this poetess
makes love with her words...
I'll pen my innermost secret desires
on the curves and contours of your plane
pleasure filled fantasies
etched in honeyed skin
tasting of budding succulence
be my willing accomplice love
building a ladder to my literature
from dreamlike slumber to writhing climax
as orgasmic words tantricaly lift you
like the finest aphrodisiac
all the while
I will moan each tattooed word
sensuously in your ear
wrapping you in my lyrical love prose

Eila Mahima Jaipaul
