nimal dunuhinga - I am fighting with the Viral Flu

2014-06-13 3

Luckily my beloved suffered a little and escaped.
But I am still fighting.
I was surprised how this microscopic bacteria or invisible virus
Turns a giant a weakling?
Oh! My each and every rib aches
Shrinking lungs made a wheeze
It's really an elegy
Eyes dried and runny nose
I am a defeated boxer.
My beloved sits at my sick bed day and night
And she makes nourishing food to bring me back to the ring.
I said; 'Don't worry, I won't die soon as I have to get more marks to qualify.'
She cries and I wipe her tears.
My kind Boss sends a message.
'Hey! Johnny you have to take a rest at least three to four days
And don't expect the salary please,
If you come early then others would be affected.'
May God bless him and long live his Kingdom!

nimal dunuhinga