nimal dunuhinga - Photo Finish

2014-06-13 0

His weary obedient horse skipped its meals
And had no proper sleep for few days.
He checked the stable and found some horseflies cause to the sickness.
He cleaned the premises well
And everything back to normal.
But it neighs again; 'Master, still I couldn't win a race and you spent me a lot in vain.'
He said; 'Do not worry my dear Tattoo and I am sure that you will be the winner of incoming grand race.'
Though it showed its talent,
They say that the winner has to be decided from a photograph.

[ I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness......]
2 Timothy 4: 7-8 Niv

* A strong wind blows from Illinois hullabaloo to this rickety stable.

nimal dunuhinga