Deep valleys upon your battle scarred face
Fuelled on devils snow and sweet strong cider
limping like a wounded fox
you clambered up the unforgiving stairs.
Screaming at everyone, reaching no one.
Took a place beside me
told me your name
said you was like a cat
had nine lives, but just one left.
And so we sat waiting for the train
me awaiting your possible violence
you losing yourself in my forced upon silence.
Told me you had been stabbed tonight
got involved with a junkie friends bitch
she cried wolf to many times, no limit to her means.
Soon lights got brighter
as the train can tumbling in
you looked at me smiling with sadness
said you was gonna use up that last one tonight
I tried to muster a word
but you closed the book
Told me it was going to be ok
for you was a buddhist and would
be coming back, reborn on a beach
in Tobago where you would sell fruits on the beach
and watch sweet arsed women shake their love.
Not Long Left