Not Long Left - The road was just too long.

2014-06-13 10

He woke,
broken dreams,
like bubbles exploding
on inpact.
Drifted downstairs,
letting go of sleep,
letting back in his depairs.
Sat at the table,
suffocating on his childrens
nodding indifferently to his
wife's natter.
kissed two young lips
touched the wrinkled
cheek of his wife.
woke the car with his key,
erased thoughts of famiy.
Down the street of routine,
past fields of endless green,
past billboards, milk floats,
paper boys, school girls,
birds on telephone wires,
stuttering busses,
out onto the open road.

City air, drifted away,
without a care,
salty sea came freely,
and the blue eternal
came to view.
His face,
like a frozen lake,
emotions flowing,
under an icy clear surface.

He put the car to sleep,
at one hundred feet.
stepped out and walked
to the edge of the cliff,
opened his wallet,
took out his picture,
of his family,
wrote on the back,
'sorry but the road was just too long'
put the picture into his mouth,
and jumped out into the hungry sky.

Each tear falling into the ocean,
each limb snapping on angry rocks.
Two days later, he was found,
only his shoes remained on his body.
soul, clothes and life,
taken by the sea,
the price for taking away his misery.

Not Long Left

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