Wind, a word
a force in the world
unreckoned in stillness.
Water, a word
the size of all seas
drowned in forgetfulness.
Earth, a word
that whirls stone beneath feet
life and death spun irregardless
Air, a word
hard as stone itself
aloof in providential purity
Metal, a word
hammered in its purpose
tastes like sun in eclipse
Fire, a word
combusted from desire
progenitor of arson and civilization
Wood, a word
striations of love-lost rings
born of leaf, air, water, earth song
Being, a word
we have separated ourselves
from unequivocal nature
Void, a word
invented to make life
seem like something certain
Consciousness, a word
inclines self toward introspection
falls lightly, a shadowy curtain
Love, a word
carved from God alone
crowns Islam along side Christianity
Trust, a word
born from living with insecurity,
knowing the wisdom of patience
Religion, a word
subjective unlike the sanctity
of holy unity-one eternal faith
Phillip Michael Sawatzky