AHO Speaks - Concerns of We

2014-06-13 1

Councils of comprise to overcome
Issue's of conflict that could darken our very own sun.

A subject of abortion from many years ago
So simple to express a thought; of yes or no.

Evil can be seen in violent individual actions
Long term silence is never a reasonable reaction.

Those who do and those who don't
Along with they who will and those who won't.

Changing words and names will never diffuse
Pro life and pro choice are just words to confuse.

Partial abortions from primarily the minds of men
Confusion raises its ugly head once again.

Rational dialogue and reasonable discussion
Silence supports evil and evil is always destruction.

A nation's character formed by assembly and rules
Critical issue's should never lanquish else we be fools.

In all things we can not and should not always agree
Silence speaks for no one particularly in the land of we.

AHO Speaks
