AHO Speaks - The Flower of God

2014-06-13 6

Praise God with your words and your deeds
Then God will give you love and plant in you a seed
A seed that has to be nourished with the rain of love
A rain full of respect and concern only from above.

When you feel the flower start to grow
It may come fast or it may come slow
When the flower is in the pod
Know that also you are in God.

The pod will open some fine day
And the petals in their glory will seem to say
'This is what God wants me to do
For look; it gave me a beautiful view.'

The view of us humans doing our thing
Everyone holding hands and to thee we sing
Every color of the human race and many others
Holding and loving; their sisters and their brothers.

Like a bouquet of roses in all their glory
We will come to God and tell our story.

10-21-05 Aho Speaks

AHO Speaks
