Aryaman Naik - Ghost who ate Buttered Toast

2014-06-13 2

Aryaman, the Poet
Moved from the MIG Colony in Bandra
To Sion’s Kalpataru building so tall
That his hands touched the azure blue sky.

On his first night in the new house
He had a sweet dream,
After eating at dinner
A Totapuri mango with white sour cream.

He saw a very large house
That looked spooky and dark
With all its doors and windows wide open
Making creaking sounds until the following morn.

A friendly ghost lived in the house
And kept bats and mice for company.
When the sun came out
The ghost would say
“Am I hungry! Time for breakfast,
Thank God or Goblin, at very long last! ”

“After all the hard work I do at night,
I must have two fried eggs
With the sunny side up
And a loaf of fresh brown bread.”

“For, I am a Ghost
Who loves nothing more than eggs
And a thin spread of my bats and mice
On a thickly buttered, crisp and golden toast.”

Aryaman Naik