michelle soares - Dandelion Man

2014-06-13 29

The sweetest crimson words drip from liars lips like a carnivorous beasts blood drenched jowls. Soft juicy delectable phrases dropped like aromatic cinnamon and ginger, brown sugar on the tip of my tongue and breaking my heart. Beautiful you make me, angelic, perfection without fault or fail, a goddess a peddle stool placed under my feet high above the real me. Only to kick me down tear me down rip me down, drag me in the dirt, breaking my heart. Everyday killing me the dandelion man strangling this rose, poisoning me you keep growing and spreading around me making it harder and harder for me to breath. Showing me the ugly monster you can be and breaking my heart. You ask me to leave when you have blocked me in wrapping your roots around my roots making it impossible to move. Taking from me, you breath me up swallow me whole and leave my heart pulp. A subtle killer you are impalpable whispers that empty me in one slice, malevolent barbed tongued love.

michelle soares
