Eila Mahima Jaipaul - What Is Love Supposed To Be?

2014-06-13 3

is it action not just emotion
do I love you
because I feel it or
I took time to show it

perhaps from the soul
not just your heart it can come...
then is it my soul or my heart
that pains and cries at your absence

love may be looking at me
wanting to create a life
but if you're too busy to gaze
will we become homeless

I've heard its best at
communicating inner spirituality,
if we are upset then is it our spirits
or our words that part us

writing poetry could be love
if unappreciated
has it gone to waste
or been simply misunderstood

Love could be,
should be
and is
many things...
but if only you feel it
and I only show it
are we really in love?

Eila Mahima Jaipaul
