Fernando Alvarez - Empty Inside

2014-06-13 3

Insecurities flood my mind
Drowning out the cries of happiness I've found
I have what I want
I have what I need
Why is this not enough?
I want to cut still
Even deeper than before
Longer gashes down my arms
Down to the bone
Scars like hills on my pale skin
A red deeper than crimson
Flowing down the length of my arm
Dripping off my fingertips
I have the knives
I have the blades
I have the time
I have the room
If not then I will retrace old memories with new ones
This is what I want
I don't know why
I don't
Don't glare at me that way
I know what I've said
I haven't done anything wrong in my eyes
It is not stupid
It is not silly
It is my stress relief and pain killer
I am my own pain killer

Fernando Alvarez


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