There were times
When people
Had to accept
When limbs stopped
Moving, and lips
Stopped breathing
All there was was
The “Will of God”
When mothers clutched
Babies to breasts
And listened
To the dreaded
Word “stillborn”
Death was a
Phantom, a guest
Unknown, unwelcome
Now there are reasons
Drugs and diseases
Cancer and faulty lungs
Chest too small
Head too big
But it still doesn’t
Tell us what
What does death
Is Death
The moment of
Ceasing hearts?
Or is death the loss
Of hope, the human
Disillusion of adults?
Is living when a
Heart stops beating
And a soul starts
Is death the
Constant flow of
Blood in veins
Or is it the decayed
Rotting corpse
In the ground?
What is the
Between life and death
But the passage
Of one world
To the next?
Elizabeth Rebel