Konjit Berhane - MY KiNd oF DaY...! ! !

2014-06-13 1

Wake up at 6: 30
Get clean up, ready for breakfast
Have a cup of tea and a piece of bread
In good times egg sand witch instead

Hop in a crowded bus head to work
Jump up on the office door to get the keys
Some exercise for me not to get obis
Do what’s got to be done, at some point have fun

12: 00 lock the office door
Jump again to put the keys where they were before
Wait for the bus to arrive at the station
Till it did have some conversation

Get home in half an hour (if lucky)
Have lunch and to go back I get ready
Back in the office them same old way
That’s my life what can I say

Out of the office at 6 o’
Go home if I have dinner to fix
If not I walk down town
To refresh my mind that’s been down

After having a cup of tea
In a modern crowded café
I walk the streets home and have dinner
Chat with my family if got news to share
Other wise up to the TV we stare

That’s my kind of day
What have you got to say?

May 8,2006

Konjit Berhane
