'Merse' Mersedes III - when you abuse me

2014-06-13 38

When you call me names,
When you push me hard,
When you rip my life apart,
When you hide my stuff,
When you talk about me behind my back,
When you whisper shit about me,
When you laugh at me when I make a mistake,
I cry, I fall, I cut, I search, and I close my eyes,
I pretend not hear, I hide in embarrassment,
I then come home and bang my head on the wall.
Because I am no animal, I feel feelings
I feel love, anger, sadness, loneness, and many, many more
I am a human, too. When you punch my skin I bruise,
So why can t you just leave me alone?
What have I done to you?
This is the way I was born,
Why can’t you accept it and ignore?
I never wanted to be like this,
Why is my face such a disgrace?
I don’t know what I have done to you,
I don’t know why I am so dishonored by you
Maybe because you never saw me
When I am so generous and happy
Maybe because I am something new
And I am not the same boring blue
I wish I were the blue, though
You tell me to be what you are
That’s how you teased me apart
I have no one else and I do what I am told
Sometimes I just wish I was you
Just so I won’t be treated like trash
I‘ve never been like you
Because I don’t like what you are

'Merse' Mersedes III
