Ken Livingstone has got religion,
a private war against the pigeon.
Although these wildfowl love to coo,
Trafalgar Square’s their Waterloo;
regarding them as rats with wings
he’s put on all of them a jinx.
While Nelson watches, one eye blind,
the birds that Kenneth has maligned
are banished, order of the Mayor,
though many think this is unfair.
The people aren’t allowed to feed
the creatures of the pigeon creed,
nor let them sit on British lions
as if they were all friends of Zion’s,
whom he regards with great revulsion,
deserving fully of expulsion.
Each one is an imperial pawn
he scoffs at with his social scorn.
This makes me want to hiss like Alger,
transported, trance-like, to Trafalgar.
Ken wages war against bird lime,
self-styled Napoleon of crime;
Macavity would be far better
as his accomplice and abettor.
gershon hepner