Charles Chaim Wax - Peeking Into the Havoc

2014-06-13 5

“C’mon, c’mon, c’mon
you lousy bus bastard, ”
he said
then banged his head
against the glass
of the bus shelter
over and over
head or glass
hadn’t yet cracked
so I stepped into the street
stared hard
into the distance
saw one
“Be here
in a few minutes.”
Don’t think he heard
too busy with the banging
finally the bus arrived
he lunged to be first
but the driver
put up his hand
a guy in a wheelchair
gonna get off
“C’mon, ‘c’mon, c’mon
you lousy cripple bastard, ”
he said
then commenced with
the head banging
this time
the shatter proof glass
not shattering
but shifting
into a thousand
bits of glass
crumpled at his feet
as the fellow
in the wheelchair
skooted off.

Charles Chaim Wax