the past, the present, and the future of us
In darkness and silence of the night
A sparkle, golden light of desire
sent through the hearts of the blamings
Washed away all past mistakes and sufferings
Lightening joy, and happiness
burying all pities and angers
An unfamiliar power rumbling
it rediscovered a special gift from within
Adding new meaning to existences
Regreting is no longer a constant companion
Forgiving, cause no one could turn back the calendar
yes, source which created triumph
I give you the greatest asset to guide your future
to rebuild, to create wonders
to unite our people for a better future
blessed your life with an attitude
to find things in which you have great passions
something to be enthusiastic about
used enthusiam to overcome prejustice
left oppositions behind, cause there is no darkness ahead
together, we must escape this trap of history
picked ourselves up and go on with our futures
Beo Nguyen