This crystal has
haunted my mind
sending it into a
realm of evil
each time i sleep
i fear the crystal
especially its
and what it has
instore for me
yet the yearning for
adventures of
the third kind
set my spirit ablazed
last night was
this sketchy dream
akin to what you would
witness on a faulty television
you knew you had
the dream
but immediately forgot
most of it the moment
you opened your eyes
One horrendous image
however, remained
to send the shivers
down my spine -
i had turned
light green
like a devil and
my head was round
like a pomelo
there were those
little sparing bunches
of hair over the head
in a surprisingly
uniform manner
each strand of hair
was like, can you imagine,
a flat green noodle?
the phobia that
i would go beserk
nearly overpowered me
but i kept very still
and steady fighting
whatever weakness
that came on
i remained very strong
for the first time,
i took off the crystal
from my neck and hang
it by my bed
but this afternoon
as i set off to work,
i wore it again
i have got to be
the bravest person
on earth!
john tiong chunghoo