With sleep still seeping from my eyes,
and followed by the smiling sunrise
Stiff legs struggled on the street.
Last nights dreams refusing to finish,
as if the message should not be forgotten.
Passing people with distant thoughts,
all eye's to the ground, all smiles sold.
each holding tales never to be told
lives proggrammed like computers,
wake, work, eat, sleep,
finely tuned, are the commuters.
Waiting for the bus beside a sick
stained graffiti pained shelter
Eyes aimed at the grey road,
waiting, waiting for the red saviour.
Then he came,
almost dancing down the sleeping street,
looked into my eyes, and to my suprise,
he smiled.
from that smile came a blanket of warmth
a chemical combustion of happiness,
a feeling of bieng seperate from the rest,
last nights mind movie fell of its reel,
and I for the first time in month began to feel
The power of a smile.
Something so simple, so natural
cleaned the dusty windows of my eyes,
and made me realise
that a strangers smile
can stay with you for quite a while.
Not Long Left