Bill Grace - City Election

2014-06-13 0

With two friends running for election
I see the pain with unusual clarity
The disappointment in learning
That great endorsements are purchased
At a cost of honor, and populist philosophy
Counts little in the whirl
Of the great mosaic of special interests.

My deeper debt has earned his spurs
Took on an incumbent so well fortified
He only had to breathe to win
And understands the power
In humble house to house solicitation.

Perhaps in all this drama
The sadness is I have only one lawn
With which to display proclivity
And secrecy does not shield from decision's pain
When two men seek an office same.

I can only hope idealism's champion
Will stay his course and take the drubbing
Master the bitter lessons of vision's call
And like my likely winning friend learn
That he too can fight another day.

Bill Grace