new year's eve
she says last year's eve
feels like yesterday
inspired by:
New Year’s Eve —
she teaches me
how to breathe
Sabine Miller
cold morning rain
the dream catcher
so still
inspired by
cold morning rain:
all the swoosh is gone
from the fallen leaves
Charles Trumbull
bus stop
the returning birds chatter louder
than us
inspired by
bus stop —
the winter dance
of cold feet
Adelaide Shaw
the orange glow
on his face
inspired by
what the raven
has to say about them
snow clouds
Cindy Zackowitz
frosty morning
an old man boxes
his shadow
Vanessa Proctor
tooth marks
in the sharp cheddar...
the long night
Robert Bauer
New Year’s Day
the sycamore’s
uneven shadow
Peggy Heinrich
winter dawn —
waiting for the school bus
kids pretend to smoke
Kevin Paul Miller
first snow!
the congregation of birds
suddenly bolder
Carmen Sterba
a snowflake melts
on her dimple
Nara Bauer
john tiong chunghoo