Bob Gotti - God Speaks In Many Ways

2014-06-12 13

God speaks to us in many ways, many times throughout our days.
In our trials The Lord may send, a comforting word through a friend,
During that special time of need, God may use them to plant a seed.
A tiny seed sown just for that trial, that will cause your heart to smile.

God may send a friend to impart, words of wisdom into your heart.
God can even speak in the night, even when there’s no one in sight.
God will use the events of life, to draw you closer unto Jesus Christ.
For God is still quite active friend, speaking to the hearts of all men.

Almost anyone The Lord can use, to impart to men His Good News.
And when you truly come to Him, He’s with you through thick and thin.
God begins with you New Life, and talks to you through Jesus Christ.
For Jesus Christ is the Living Word, on this earth until all have heard.

The blessed news of Jesus Christ, that He came to grant Eternal Life.
And He gives you His Holy Spirit, to grasp the Word when you hear it.
Through The Word He will guide, Christians to walk close by His side.
For through The Word He speaks to you, as your life becomes anew.

Through the changes in your life, you shall hear the voice of Christ.
And as a shepherd always near, His voice you’ll hear loud and clear.
So when Christ calls, follow Him, and He will lead you from your sin.
And He will speak to you my friend, and Eternal Life will be your end.

Bob Gotti