Lily Espinosa - So Tired

2014-06-12 3

Your opinions of me,
Good or bad, im indifferent to them now.
I tried to get in to help you, but i didn't know how.

You never wanted me to help,
You like to make me the bad one,
To use me as your punch bag,
You're happy that you've dragged me in, now you'll steal my soul.

Either way, i couldnt care,
You all make everything so hard,
I think you secretly like it.

This isn't a good poem,
It the product of a tired mind,
Sick of you.

So i think i'll just stop,
This is going no where,
There will be no big turn around at the end, i wont pull through, (kind of like life)
Or maybe i'll pull through with out you?

So either way, i don't care,
Form your opinions,
Out loud if you dare.

Lily Espinosa