AHO Speaks - Giver Of Life

2014-06-12 5

God is not a particular person, place or thing
Rather the giver of all universal life; a mind; and a soul to bring.

Christ spoke in metaphors and parables in order to explain
In the end truth was distorted by a gender that still carries the shame.

Give a portion of what you have up to God even if it is nothing
An act of offering has meaning that includes prayers for the suffering.

That which started our universe from a single creative thought
Can not be described by they who have or those who have not..

Our world is called earth and that is where we are and were placed
Not as super all knowing beings but only as members of the human race.

Our definitions of many crucial words are deceptive, evasive or weak
Words are to give us thought and questions when another does speak.

There are no reasons to hide from words like life, thought and being
Tradition has had their sense of time of belief and also seeing.

Life is obvious just as purpose and reason as we wait for our time to die
The answer has always been before us if we just open our eyes.

It is for the childen first then for selves and then for others
The God of one desires not and needs not; sisters or brothers.

04-10-06 Aho Speaks.

AHO Speaks
