Professor Poetry Hound - Surprise!

2014-06-12 2

Did you ever see “Devil’s Advocate” with Al Pacino?
Well, how do you think they made his eyes glow like
that at the end? I know it was some kind of special
effect, and I was thinking that the devil should do that
in real life – you know, do all sorts of special effects
and stuff. Everyone is always bitching and
complaining that Jesus never does any obvious
miracles to prove his existence. But why doesn’t the
devil do it? I mean, with some really obvious
supernatural kinds of stunts, he could probably
quadruple his recruitment efforts. In fact, he could do
it dressed up as Jesus and then everyone would follow
him all excited, thinking they were following Jesus on
the path to glory or eternal triumph or whatever it is.
Then all of a sudden, after they’d crossed that river, it
would be too late and he’d turn around and stare at
them with scary eyes like Bela Lugosi in “Dracula.”

Professor Poetry Hound