Ian Trousdell - Nature/ I Have Been Watching Time

2014-06-12 1

I have been watching time carefully,
watching it flow by,
reaching out with my hands
my empty hands into another world
adjacent in the air of my garden
where the monarchs fly.

I think they live there,
and we don’t

The time I watch is the fundament of all things existing,
is a river inside my garden’s air and light,
a flowing oceanic emptiness
that stays still
while carrying everything along with it.

I tilt my head
to see the light on its lilting waves,
to view the slivers that
weave through and through.

This living time,
the one I watch and hear…
it is life itself
in no metaphorical sense
making progress
while a monarch skims past my face
and delicate waves wash on the shore.

Ian Trousdell
