Lynda Remus - Still Here

2014-06-12 3

Years ago, I knew you. I knew you so little, though.
I took for granted that you were near.
If I’d realized our time was so fleeting;
Only known what it meant that you were here…

Yet, I remember you now,
More vividly than I thought I would;
And I miss you, still, So much more
than I ever dreamed I could.

I’ll be doing whatever needs doing, when
Your smile, your voice; you come to mind.
Then it’s gone as fast as it came, and I’m left
Searching for something I can’t find.

Sometimes a thought, pieces of a conversation,
or a Song that you loved will get to me;
And there I am a child again, lost
In a time when we were a family.

I feel so empty and alone sometimes.
Then you come back, suddenly so clear;
And I can hear your voice again,
As if you’d never died, saying to me,
“I’m still here.”

Lynda Remus