Robert L. Bixler III - Devil Pup

2014-06-12 13

(This is dedicated to LCpl Casper, USMC.... Keep your head down! !)

Devil Pup o' Devil Pup
Show me the military way.
Tell me how to drink all night,
And still carry on with the good fight.

Blood stripe on a starch blue background,
One hundred, thousand proud souls bound
To the legged-seamed sign of honor
That's worn throughout the Marine Corps.

Devil Pup o' Devil Pup
Show me the military way
To steal the hearts' of girls abound
With that hardcore cadence sound.

Break their hearts
Before the trouble starts
Because you know
That you'll be the first to go.

Devil Pup o' Devil Pup
Show me the military way.
Tell me how to strike fear
Within all of my enemies dear.

With a smile on your face
And a salty-tongue blood taste,
Let the enemy know who your fighting for,
The United States Marine Corps.

Robert L. Bixler III