This isn't one of my best songs, but I wrote it in under 5 minutes, so it's not my fault, plus i just turned it into a poem.
Feeling nothing but feeling me
You cannot leave me be
It's your obsession that makes me sick
(You’re always here, your always near)
I can hear you breathing
It s in my head it's always there
What can I do to make you go
You haunting me, you always there
In my life you linger
I used to love you, when you didn't love me
Now you just don't go away
When will you
You’re always so close
To close for comfort
Leave me alone
I just can't run from you, hiding isn't good enough
You'd find me in no time
Reading my mind
Get out of my mind, before I hurt you
Nothing I do or say works
You love me too much to let go
I feel you near me all the time
It's all you ever think about is me
Wanting me more every day
I can feel your eyes on me
Leave before I hurt you
Don't care what you have to say
Don't want to be smothered
GETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT OUT! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
You need to listen now, I mean it, and I'm not gonna say it again
All I ever wanted from you was to love me
You gave me that and too much more
I don't want it, take it back
All you ever said to me
Had that hunger, anger and desperation
Please I can't help you
All is quiet
No more you
No more screaming, hating, loving
No more watching, wanting, waiting
The desperation
It's never coming back
Lillian Autumn