shannon wright - where are the words?

2014-06-12 2

where are the words
they have left me
if they were even there in the first place
have they been invented?
the words to say how I feel
about you and about us
to describe how I love you
and I how much I miss you
what is the word for that homesick
longing feeling in the pit of my stomach?
what is the word for the way my heart
aches when I think of you
what is the word for the glazed over look
in my eyes when I see your picture
what is the word for that what if
feeling in my gut
what is the word for waking up every
morning to see if I can breathe without you
what is the word for the knowledge that
this isn’t getting easier with time
what is that word for knowing I’ve made
the biggest mistake of my life?
by shannon flanders

shannon wright