George H.W. Bush Skydives On His 90th Birthday

2014-06-12 123

George H.W. Bush celebrated his 90th birthday by skydiving.

"There goes one, there goes another and apparently that's also the President." [Via WFXT]

George H.W. Bush celebrated his 90th birthday today in a memorable way.

As part of a tradition of sorts he decided to jump out of an aircraft.

This jump is reportedly his eighth and likely his last as he previously indicated he had 'one more left in me.' Just prior to hopping out of the aircraft, he posted a note on Twitter that read ‘It's a wonderful day in Maine -- in fact, nice enough for a parachute jump.’

Bush is certainly no stranger to skydiving as he took part in similar stunts for his 75th, 80th and 85th birthdays.

On his last skydiving trip in 2009, he jumped out of a plane at 10,500 feet in the air reaching freefall speeds of roughly 100 miles per hour. That one was a tandem jump with Sgt. 1st Class Mike Elliott of the Army's Golden Knights.

This time, Bush was accompanied by an ex-military jumper. Video footage shows him landing safely using a red, white and blue parachute near his home in Kennebunkport at a little after 11 in the morning.

His son, George W. Bush was among the folks waiting for him on the ground.

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