RIC S. BASTASA - hell is other people

2014-06-12 5

what is hell?
Sartre says, hell is other people.
I think, i agree.
Some people simply make our lives
Live in hell,
If you feel this hell

the rumors, and betrayal,
the stabbing at the back,
the unpaid debts,
ingratitude, the prison of
the irreconcilable differences,
hate and indifference,

on the other hand, there is also
the mutuality of affections,
love meeting love,
ecstasy moaning with ecstasy
pure love, agape, empathy,
faith, trust, symbiosis,
dependence and interdependence,
there is also sympathy
and unconditional love
of parents, and care of
siblings, the humanity of concerns,
and compassion, feeding the poor
and the hungry, satisfying the thirsts
of those who still desire
to live,

on the other hand, depending
on how you look at it,
on this same place
either you look at the stars above
or the mud below,

heaven could also be
other people.

