Cynthia BuhainBaello - Enjoying the Presence of God

2014-06-12 26

My soul is at rest in You,
For I am like a tree
planted beside streams of water,
bearing fruit in season.

My mind is fed by You
For Your wisdom comes
like fresh rain on parched land,
growing oaks of righteousness.

My heart is refreshed by You
As softly You speak in Spirit
like a gentle breeze at Horeb,
each breath a speech of love.

My being is lifted in You
As I scale to the Rock higher than I
reaching clouds of Your Presence,
standing in the heights of refuge.

You dress me up with Peace,
Adorn me Kindness, Joy, and Love-
Your Faithfulness embraces me,
And I enjoy being with You, God.


'O God, You are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for You, my body longs for You, in a dry a weary land where there is no water.'

PSALM 63: 1

Copyright Cynthia Buhain Baello
April 5,2009

Cynthia BuhainBaello