Kylee Wells - For the love of Money

2014-06-12 14

A great enemy
prices that deny his money
you will come and see
shining triumphantly
it would give me great pleasure to welcome thee
to be found in the midst of business
but your money is no good here
sincerely written and brought for the greatest price
I could accept that
and at first sight
whatever you read granted whatever wish
captive lights shed into captivity
one to remember
your money is no good to me
passed around like love notes by school girls
and a chance meeting of the minds
my writing is shining glorious triumphantly
still trying to persuade me
I fancy that which cannot be acquired by capitol
and at the spur of the moment I suggest better yet a question
Naturally we do not take pride in putting a price on thee
so to it be wise to ask how much for me?
Surely would rather not take their money
and at the last chance to strike
I mention an expressive face covering that of youth
I offer that to be most expensive
the only thing that would be contradictory to purchase
innocense, reach out and plan these words bound in leather for a firm price
that of integrity

Kylee Wells