Buddy Bee Anthony - Raven

2014-06-12 68


What can we make of this war for our village


explain all this plunder and pillage
It's all too frightfully clear
Since Raven's been wavin
war flags around here
So Raven stop wavin
war flags around here


You want to blast us into outer space
First let's feed house and clothe the human race
Cause, there's gore over here
death and more over there
We do not have another world to share or spare
It's all too painfully clear
Since Raven's been wavin
war flags around here
So Raven stop wavin
war flags around here


Don't go engravin dull colors of your framin
of our red, our white or our blue
It shames us to see the dirty tricks that you do
it is all too patently clear
Since Raven's been wavin
war flags around here
So, Raven stop wavin
war flags around here


It blows as blood flows on our heads and our toes
heaven knows we're shedding much more than a tear
Since, Raven's been wavin
war flags around here.
So, Raven stop wavin
war flags around here


who are you savin with points you've been shavin
the lives you are takin
the ground you have shaken
No haven is save from blind hatred we fear
Since Ravens been wavin
war flags around here
So Raven stop wavin
bloody war flags around here

Buddy Bee Anthony

Buddy Bee Anthony
