A World without patriotism and religion that would not seem a bad thing
No wars to fight for God and Country of other things one could sing
Than in victories paid for in bloodshed there's other things of which to sing of and write
There's love of humanity and Nature there should be more to life than wars to fight
There is a god for everybody the god known as the god within
The journey to a far better World is the journey on which we are about to begin
The dark souls lost in the dark tunnel their way to the light they cannot find
They soon cannot desecrate Nature and seek to divide human kind,
A World without hatred and violence cannot be many decades away
Those who seek their power by division belong now to a darker day
The time of nationalism, racism and patriotism will soon be a time of the past
For most things do have their use by date and few things ever do seem to last
One exception is great Mother Nature she just seems to go on and on
And as for those of patriotism and religious fundimentalism well their time it all but has gone.
Francis Duggan