Ragy Sandid - Still Sex

2014-06-12 21

A quest as old as time
As old as rhyme
It remains our mystery
A moment of majesty
A moment of depravity
A moment of reality
A moment of prosperity

Then why agonize
Over its compromise
That makes two give in
To their worst sin
Change what’s within
To something that otherwise
Should’ve never been.

Is it to be wild?
Is it for the child?
People think slow
Then get up and go
And make sure everyone
Will know
They had it
Whether it may or may not show

Then all meet
And all greet
Each other on the street
Every one has this secret
Every one has this meek streak
Every one has this weak streak
Each one will follow through this and next week

Some might laugh
At the other half
That call it life
And names like husband, strife, wife, knife
But that’s how we exist
But not why we exist
Strange isn’t it, by two we persist
While we’re unlabeled sexist
Just one by one we exit.

Ragy Sandid
