James Grengs - Enemies

2014-06-12 0

Stop looking at me, trying to care-
You do not know me,
Will never know me.
I hate you, my enemies, all of you,
Who, lying, tell me you care.
I am alone.
(You are the reason I am alone.)
And yet, now that you see me alone,
You wish to care.
Leave me alone.
My heart is gone, my love is gone,
My own care is gone.
Do not care for me-
I do not care for myself,
And I refuse to care.
Why should I? When all I ever desired,
All that I have tried to accomplish,
All that I have ever cared for in this stupid world,
Has blown up in my face?
Why should I care anymore?
No one else does,
Especially not you-
Leave me;
I name you all my enemies.

James Grengs
