God loves you and me with an everlasting love
He has drawn us with His loving kindness
God wants us to love our enemies and do good to all
and nothing to expect anything in return
Because He will reward us with His love and mercy
God's love is the most valuable gift to obtain from Him
His love is very different from human love.
It is unconditional love without feelings or emotions
His love is beautiful with divine power and peace
God's love is a vision of our life and power of nature
God is love and His wisdom and faith lives in our soul
God's grace is freely given to us and let His love come in
God truly is the comforter and we have to pray Him
God loved our universe and gave His begotten son
Jesus Christ and told us who ever believeth His son
should not perish, but having everlasting life.
Because of love for us, God's son Jesus Christ gave His
life on a cross at Calvary.
Ravi Sathasivam