Don't know you but I know who you are!
I have never seen your face in my sunsets
neither I have danced with your harmonious figure
in my nights of bohemians
but I feel your joy in the distance.
I know who you are but I don´t know you! !
I have not read in the radiance of your eyes, the book of your soul
neither I have drunk the contagious smile of your lips
but I feel your being's purity and the beauty of your soul.
I know who you are but I don´t know you! !
I have not felt the heat of your hard-working and good hands
neither I have shared a warm hug with you in the cold nights
but I feel the kindness that lives in your heart
and the warmth that wraps up your soul.
I have not seen you but I know who you are!
I have not looked at myself in the lagoon of your beautiful eyes
neither I have felt the aroma of your skin in weekends
but I feel love lives in you
and it is breathed in each pore of your skin
I don't know you but I know who you are!
I have not seen you and maybe I will never see you.
I only know that you are my FRIEND
who fills the positive feelings of my soul.
I don't know you but I know who you are!
It doesn't care about your ethos,
it doesn't care about your race,
neither your religion
It doesn't care about the color of your skin
neither your professional career
Only you care! ! !
you, who are my FRIEND! !
you, who writes in verses what the heart feels! !