Sidi J. Mahtrow - Robbie Burns’ Cow

2014-06-12 22

The seven acre farm permitted only just so
Many things to be or go
One was the keeping of a cow
Nor more could be allow’d

For grass and forage was always short
No need of more cultivated acres to abort
So the cow kept for milk and butter too
Was kept in the small pen like zoo
(where chickens, a pig and rats and mice lived askew)

One spring day Willie’s wife said to him
“Bess needs to visit a friend
Where she can start anew
The birthing process that is long past overdue.”

Was the pleasure for Robbie to go
Calling, with the cow in tow
To Master Robert’s barn where his bull was kept
For a servicing delayed until just yet.

Down the path Robbie led ol’ Bess
Barefoot, yet in his Sunday best
For by chance he might see
The daughter of the owner, that she be.

Arriving at the manor about ten
He called to see who might be within
And when the pretty one appeared
His heart skipped a beat, you could almost hear.

“Got my cow to see your bull, the best around”
“Take her to the barn, I’ll be right down”
“I’ll put her in the pen,
So’s you can put the bull in.”

In a while, the cow and bull were mated
And the two on the fence sat, and awaited
For another servicing to take place
For if the cow wasn’t settled, would be a disgrace.

As they sat and watched the action in the pen
Was Robbie who broke the silence, just then;
“I sure would like to do that” he said with a smile.

“Go ahead, she’s your cow anyhow.”


Sidi J. Mahtrow