Michael Shepherd - There's hope for hypocrites...

2014-06-12 1

Yes, there’s hope for hypocrites –

hypocrite poets, who write
from the goodness of their hearts
of the good, the true, the beautiful;

out of the chaos of the well-intentioned
and sometime messy life;

hypocrite readers, who turn
to those same poets for reminders of
the good, the true, the beautiful

out of the chaos of the well-intentioned
and sometimes messy life;

(hypocrite editors, dare we add, who,
knowing the good, the true, the beautiful,
turn down our poems, because
it’s been said oft and better, long before…)

the blessing for all hypocrites
is that they know better; and one day…

may match their actions to their words;
words, well-intentioned, sometimes messy,
written from the goodness of their heart;

and in the heart, as given timeless time,
hypocrisy dissolves…

Michael Shepherd
