Brian 'Peza' Perrins - This Terrible Secret

2014-06-12 10

As the day draws on and the night becomes near
It only serves for a rise in my fear.

You see I’m never comfortable in my bed at night
The fear of seeing a familiar sight.

As the door creeps open and a figure appears
It’s the thing that triggers my worst fears.

A hushed voice assures me that all is well
But all well it’s not, this is a living hell.

Where is my Mom when I need her so much?
To help me right now, get me out of his clutch.

The morning soon comes with the feeling of despair
This torment I have, does nobody care?

I dare not speak out about this terrible time
What would folk think of my secret, my crime?

I’m told that this awful thing is a really bad sin
Please keep our secret, don’t let it out, must keep it in.

As I walk on to school with a troubled mind
Searching for reason and solace to find.

I don’t feel like mixing, although I know I must
Share my problem with a teacher, I don’t think I can trust?

I could get this thing out, a problem to share
No probably big trouble, my mind in despair.

Best keep this thing quiet, not make a scene
Try to go on as normal, I just want to scream.

I play out with my friends until Mom says it’s late
My mind turns to bedtime, I God what a state!

I must break this cycle of crime that I’m in
Can’t carry on like this, it’s surely a sin.

I take a rope from the garage and hang it from the ceiling
As I place it around my neck no-one knows what I’m feeling.

Goodbye cruel world, I feel that I’ve been your slave
This terrible secret? ……….. I’ll take to my grave.

Brian 'Peza' Perrins