Accept thy fellows for better or worse,
Welcome all men, however diverse
Inspire whomever ye speak with, touch,
Empowering, uplifting and in as much…
Some may oppose, move to cause harm,
Counter with love, they'll withdraw 'n disarm
Plead, “Oh brother I beseech thee becalm,
Pray lay down thy sword, offer thy palm'
Extend a handshake in peace, good faith,
Be no more stranger nor unhappy wraith
Work together to make world better,
Accounts settled, no longer debtors
Embrace all that suffer love, compassion,
Give water to drink, generous food ration
Give unto others,
For they are thy brothers
Serve only the barest of thy own needs,
No one need know, save God of thy deeds
God loves all His children, no one left out,
Embody His Love, without fear or doubt
Thy reward lay in Heaven where Spirits rest
At Heavens Gate,
Angels shall greet thee, ten thousand abreast
Ray Lucero