First it was a foetus
[Naturally enough]
Umbilical cord and all
A la Leonardo,
Until it became a pint-sized Pangea
Parting its continental components
Like mega-mitochondria
Courtesy of tectonic contractions
Borne upon convection currents
Surging from the scalding café core.
Next a face:
Whirling like a spiral galaxy,
Trying to squeeze itself
Into some sort of cosmic, coffee ’singularity’
Before whose dark eternity
Millions of nano-sun supernovas
Exploded then faded forever
Beyond the event horizon.
Eventually even the broiling brown vortex
Shallowed and slowed
Then fell prey to the pull of surface tension,
Its faint remnants
Skidding and sliding down the cup diameter
Like unlike poles to each other.
All that remained
Was perhaps coffee background radiation:
That faintest of echoes
In the taste of a cooling libation.
[Was idly watching Ellen stir her coffee and when she lifted out the spoon, the Brownian Motion, centrifugal force and surface tension of the liquid began to interact and play with the creamy froth.... ]
Tony Jolley