They worship not the Creator
Who is blessed forever, amen
But they bow before the creation
And worship the creature in man.
So God gave them over to passions
Both men and women as well,
They work that which is evil
For them, their own place is hell.
The homosexual, the lesbian
Have turned from the natural way;
Working that which is unseemly
To their lusts they have given sway.
Women with women in wickedness
Men that mate with their kind
The sight of them all is in darkness;
They all have a reprobate mind.
Their practices are the damnation
A recompence which is meet;
God has given them over to Satan
The yeast of their sin they must eat.
For they have changed the glory of God
Into an image of corruptible man,
Of birds and fourfooted beasts
They have made God whatever they can.
This wickedness of man might be
A thing that you practice too?
I say, repent and turn unto Jesus
Read Romans, chapters one and two.
1 Corinthians 6: 9-11
Richard Merrell