Social Action
Social Action
Objectives set
Committee selected
No one elected
Networks engaged
Targets agreed
Budget matched
Media onboard
Press release
Birth announced
Look out community
Here we come
We lend you our ears
What are your objectives?
What are your needs?
Do they match ours?
Good that’s agreed
Committee selected
But now elected
Funding agreement met
Shortcut consultation
Time consuming
We have our objectives
We are sure they match yours
Tokenistic babble
All agreed
Timetable on schedule
Objectives imposed
Apathy a byword
For use, when opposed
Funding secured
Professionals abound
Avalanche of careers
The drum beats
Social action
Professional meet
Instruction their seed
Community must conform
To obtain funding
All agreed
Workers united
Community divided
Professional secured
Contracts signed
Community development
Maybe, funding requirements
Eat up the funds
CVs completed,
Time to move on
Community untouched
Everyone happy
Social Action
Adrian Wait