Felix Lugo - Until we meet again

2014-06-12 9

Do you remember when we first met? I do far away from this earth, because my fantasy took us to another place beyond space.
Looking at you for the first time brought the saddest tears to my eyes knowing you weren’t staying long.
Only if there was more time to explain why you should stay by my side. You’ve made me feel happier than I’ve ever been before, and to see you go is killing my heart and dispersing my soul.
My life has no meaning without you, and I’m angrily missing days all ready when I was with you.
The rose of love I kept in my heart is now growing malicious thorns cutting my heart, and making it hemorrhage my love. Now you’re gone, and the love that once existed between us is gone.
I fear the presence of your appearance coming back one day, because I don’t know if I could ever love you the same way again. I guess I will never know until we meet again.

Felix Lugo
